Silence-often brings many voices.
Growing up can take a Lifetime.
Those who Humiliate-
Are themselves Humiliated.
Love – wears many disguises.
The Currency of Words-
Often demands a high price.
Strips us Naked.
The Heart expresses-
What the Tongue dares not to Speak.
If Love is returned unopened-
Scrap the wrapping paper-
And Love Yourself.
To be Dead-
Is to stop believing in your Self.
Don’t judge others-
Until you judge yourself.
Real battlefields-
Are in the hearts of Man.
Those who create damage
Are the most damaged.
~ CB
Everything changes—
But memories last forever.
~ CB
Sometimes—It’s kinder to lie.
~ CB
The Humble wear their rags with seeing eyes-
The Proud-with blindness.
~ CB
Happiness will be hidden-
If we mislay the key.
~ CB
Dance in your head-
When you feel invisible.
~ CB
——Exotic Flora
May sometimes be found in Hedgerows
~ CB
To Live with Pain is Truth.
To Understand Pain is the beginning of Enlightenment.
To Regret The Past-
Is to Deny The Future.
The stars are always present-
But sometimes we cannot see them.
A Friend is someone who when you haven’t got a handkerchief-
Wipes your tears with their sleeve.